Bay Area Youth Services Inc.
Overnight Lead Youth Screening Specialist $21/hr. (Finance)
Here's how some of our team feels about the position:
What I like about my position is the fast paced ever changing environment. We serve a wide variety of youths here and each one is different. Having different scenarios allows us to create close knit relationships with Law enforcement Agencies, DJJ, Detention centers, and court staff. I also like the constant support from Directors and Supervisors. Being a 24/7 program, you have 24/7 support at neighboring JACs and facilities.
The same aspects of the job I like are the same aspects that pose a challenge. Each youth is different so when you feel comfortable with a case or a screening, the next one will be completely different. Staying up to date with the intricacies is very important, and basic organization is key.
Describing the position to someone with no knowledge is difficult. I would simply state the Youth Screening Program is the first step following arrest. Our process is to assess the reason for the youth being arrested and determine placement. Placement could be home, house arrest, or juvenile detention. The screener's position is to determine placement, ensure the youth's safety and perform a variety of assessments. Once this is complete the youth is to be placed and in many counties the courts system is notified by screeners as well.
What's in it for you: